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Kabale High Court Gets New Home
The contractor handing over the keys to the new High Court building at Kabale to Hon. Justice Moses Kazibwe

KabaleSince its inception, Kabale High Court has been operating from Makanga in Kabale municipality where it shared space with the Chief Magistrates Court. However, not anymore, after the High Court got its own premises at Kikungiri Hill.

Hon. Justice Moses Kawumi Kazibwe, the Kabale High Court Judge, says the structure will help reduce on the congestion at the Chief Magistrates Court.

"Electricity was not installed in this structure but we have written to Rural Electrification Agency to consider us as soon as possible. We shall use a generator in the meantime," Hon. Justice Kazibwe said.

He further expressed the need of a library at the court premises to enable the court officers study while there. The new High Court structure was constructed by the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS).

At the commissioning of the building, Hon. Justice Kazibwe called upon government to also construct premises for the lower courts at Kikungiri to ease work between the courts.

Posted 23rd, February 2017
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